External Grant & Funding Resources

CTSI assists researchers to identify funding opportunities, both in and outside the University. Several centers and institutes on campus offer their own funding opportunities, including the Office of Research, Health Sciences and the University of Pittsburgh’s Office of Sponsored Programs – both of whom maintain databases of national and international funding opportunities.

Pivot Funding Database

The University of Pittsburgh Office of Sponsored Programs uses the Pivot funding database to curate and maintain weekly listings of new and recently updated funding opportunity announcements worldwide. In addition to using the curated weekly listings, users at the University of Pittsburgh can use Pivot to search for funding opportunities in all academic disciplines. Visit the Office of Sponsored Programs website to learn more about Pivot and to view the most recent curated lists.

Additional Funding Opportunity Resources

The University's Office of Research, Health Sciences maintains a database of research funding sources; the same office also maintains a comprehensive list of foundations, societies, and associations that provide funding for disease-specific research, multifocal research, and health care delivery.

Links to Other Funding Resources: